Doctorate in Economics, 1974, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Masters of Economics, 1964, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Bachelor of Arts, 1963, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Since 1984, wide range of consulting experience.
International work experience: Afghanistan, Barbados, Bhutan, Cambodia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, People’s Republic of China, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Poland, Russian Federation, Samoa, Thailand, Tonga, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam
Areas of expertise include transition economies, structural economic adjustment, public finance and government structure, fiscal arrangements, public expenditure review and investment programming, regional economic cooperation, country economic analysis, human resource development, national unity issues and aid coordination.
Major clients: Government of Canada (various departments and agencies), Asian Development Bank, United Nations Development Program, World Bank, Private Sector.
20 years experience with the Government of Canada.
Senior Advisor, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Canada.
Senior Advisor, Economic Council of Canada.
Director General, Investment Canada/Industry Canada.
Director, Economic Research, Department of Regional Economic Expansion.
Research Officer, Bank of Canada.
Director, National Liberal Caucus Research Bureau, Canada.
Preparation of a Development Plan for Northern Lao PDR
For the Asian Development Bank and the Committee for Planning and Cooperation, Lao PDR, to assist the Government to prepare a strategic action plan for Northern Laos. As Team Leader for the eight-month assignment beginning in January 2003, Dr. Husband is responsible for overall direction of the project and the coordination and supervision of other consultants. He will draft the northern region strategic action plan with the Central Government and provincial authorities. The project involves extensive field visits and consultations with CPC, the Ministry of Finance, key line ministries, provinces, communities and other development partners. The project also involves a review of current macro-related policy and institutional factors, including the devolution process, and identification of the changes and reforms necessary to realize the potential of the northern region.
Economic Analysis and Policy Advice Capacity, Uzbekistan
For the Asian Development Bank, to review economic centers in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, with particular attention to the Center for Effective Economic Policy. Dr. Husband’s report provides a needs assessment for the Center, a strategic action plan for strengthening its capacity for market-based economic analysis and policy advice in collaboration with the Centers for Fiscal and Monetary Policy, and the recommended elements for ADB’s medium-term technical assistance.
Support to Minister of Finance, Afghanistan
Under short-term technical assistance provided by the Asian Development Bank, to assist the Minister of Finance, H.E. Mr. Arsala, Government of Afghanistan, to prepare material during April-May, 2002 for two regional conferences and presentations to ADB’s Annual Meeting in Shanghai, PRC. Dr. Husband revisited Kabul in July to meet with the new Minister of Finance, H.E. Mr. Ashraf Ghani, to discuss the long-term needs of the Ministry and the elements of a program (policy-based) loan.
Recurrent Expenditure Implications of Public Investment Projects
For the World Bank, January 2002 ongoing, to prepare guidelines for estimating operating and maintenance expenditures associated with public investment projects in developing countries. Annual recurrent expenditures as a percentage of project capital costs (“r” ratios) were calculated for all major categories of public investment. The estimates reflect provision for recurrent expenditures in World Bank projects over the past five years, particularly in Asia but also supplemented by project experience worldwide. A smaller sample of ADB projects was also reviewed to determine “r” ratios. Prepared initially for Lao PDR, the analysis addresses a common problem for developing countries, namely the seriously deficient provision for recurrent expenditures. Consultations with the Central Government and field visits in early 2003 will be undertaken to help incorporate provision for recurrent expenditures in the public investment program process.
Tenth Five Year Development Plan, Nepal
For the Asian Development Bank, September 2001 to October 2002, to assist the National Planning Commission in the formation of the Tenth Five Year Plan. Dr. Husband’s responsibilities include: advice concerning quantitative analysis in support of determining the key macroeconomic variables for the Tenth Plan and the medium-term expenditure framework; assistance regarding priority setting for programs and projects proposed for inclusion in the Tenth Plan; and advice concerning the overall development strategy for promoting growth and poverty reduction.
Public Expenditure Review, Lao PDR
For the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, March-September 2001, in a joint project to prepare a Public Expenditure Review for Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Dr. Husband was responsible for analysis of five core sectors: health, education, transportation, energy and agriculture. The sectoral analysis was integrated with the medium term fiscal framework and budgetary analysis prepared by the World Bank and IMF. Dr. Husband also examined the interrelationship between public expenditure management and the goal of poverty reduction, including an analysis of poverty in Lao PDR based on surveys and research to date. The project involved a close working relationship with the Lao Government, and close co-ordination among the ADB, World Bank and IMF.
Regional Economic Cooperation, Central Asian Republics
For the Asian Development Bank, November 2000-ongoing, Senior Advisor for the ADB-supported program of regional economic cooperation in Central Asia. The program involves six Central Asian Republics and Western China. Role includes preparations for a Ministerial-level conference on trade, and advice on the institutional arrangements best suited to promoting regional economic cooperation.
Evaluation of Policy-Based Lending
For the Asian Development Bank, April-September 2000, Lead Evaluation Expert for the Operations Evaluation Office to review ADB’s policy-based lending since 1987. The evaluation involved a review of approximately half the more than 80 program loans ADB extended during 1987-99, totalling $14.6 billion or about 20 percent of ADB’s lending over the period. The objective of the review was to help identify measures that would strengthen ADB’s role in policy reform, and lead to a more useful and sustainable reform process on behalf of the DMCs.
Preparation of Public Investment Program, Lao PDR
For the Asian Development Bank, January to July, 2000, Team Leader to prepare a three-year rolling Public Investment Program and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework for the Central Planning Committee, Government of Lao PDR.
Regional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia
For the United Nations Development Programme, October 1997 to October 2000, Interim Director and Senior Advisor for the UNDP-sponsored Tumen River Area Development Programme, involving the People’s Republic of China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea, and the Russian Federation. The Programme is designed to promote economic cooperation in Northeast Asia, focussed on the Tumen Region’s strength as a transportation corridor linking Northeast China with overseas markets through Russian and DPRK ports.
Economic Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion
For the Asian Development Bank, 1991 ongoing, Senior Advisor for the Program of Economic Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion. The Program, formally initiated in 1992, promotes and facilitates economic cooperation among six countries: Cambodia, Yunnan Province of the People's Republic of China, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Dr. Husband has helped formulate the main elements and modalities of the program, in close consultation with Ministers and senior officials in the six countries. In March 2001, Dr. Husband prepared a Long-Term Strategic Framework for the GMS Program. In 2002, Dr. Husband will be extensively involved in helping to prepare for the Summit Meeting of Heads of State, scheduled for November.
Evaluation of Multi-Project Financing
For the Asian Development Bank, 1997, Senior Consultant for the Office of Program Evaluation to determine whether multi-project lending should be retained or dropped. Consultations included missions to five countries.
CLM Membership in ASEAN, MITI, Government of Japan
For Japan Overseas Development Corporation, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Government of Japan, 1997, to assist Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar prepare for membership in ASEAN. Report entitled CLM Membership in ASEAN: Policy Statement on Trade- and Investment-Related Considerations, 1997; prepared for the CLM Working Group established by ASEAN Economic Ministers and MITI, Japan.
International Research Linkages and Development, Thailand
For the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 1992-2001, senior advisor and monitor for the institutional linkages program between the Thailand Development Research Institute and Canadian research institutes.
International Research Linkages and Development, Malaysia
For the Canadian International Development Agency, 1992-99, served as senior advisor and monitor for the institutional linkages program between the Malaysian Institute for Economic Research and Canadian research institutes.
Country Operational Strategy, Thailand
For the Asian Development Bank, 1997, to assist in revising ADB’s Country Operational Strategy for Thailand, including program loans in response to the economic crisis.
Regional Economic Cooperation, Lao PDR
For the Asian Development Bank, 1996, to assist the Government of Lao PDR in identifying ways of securing the benefits and minimizing the costs of subregional economic cooperation.
Comparative Public Finance Experience Re Transition Economies
For ADB, report on public finance developments in Viet Nam during transition to a market-based economy. (1995-96). Part of a five country analysis of countries in transition.
Aid Management and Coordination, Viet Nam
Team leader of five-member team for the UNDP to prepare a framework for technical assistance to strengthen aid management and coordination in Viet Nam. (1995)
Agricultural Sector Review and Donor Coordination, Viet Nam
Team leader for ADB, Agricultural Division West, to prepare a donor’s conference on the agricultural sector in Viet Nam. (1995)
Country Operational Strategy, Viet Nam
For ADB, to assist in the formation of a Country Operational Strategy for the Bank’s medium-term programming in Viet Nam. (1994-95)
Medium-Term Forecast of Development Prospects, Philippines
For the Canadian International Development Agency, to provide an assessment of the most likely development prospects for the Philippine economy during the period 1995-05. (1994)
Canada/Viet Nam Industry Linkages
To prepare for CIDA an assessment on the opportunities and impediments to Canadian participation in Asian Pacific markets, using Viet Nam as a case example. (1994)
Economic Developments in the Mekong Region
For CIDA, to report on economic developments in the Mekong Region. (1993)
Country Economic Report, Viet Nam
For UNDP, team leader/chief macro-economist, to report on Viet Nam's development prospects for purposes of the Donors' Conference held in Paris. (1993)
Labour Market Information System, Barbados
Under the auspices of the World Bank, to design a computerized labour market information system for Barbados. (1993)
International Development Research Linkages, Canada and China
For CIDA, senior advisor on a research program involving several economic research institutes and universities in Canada and nine research institutes in China. (1991-96)
Transition to a Market-Based Economic System, Poland
On behalf of CIDA and External Affairs, to present lectures to senior Polish business representatives on the steps in moving to a market economy. (1992)
Country Economic Report, Lao PDR
For the UNDP, preparation of Volume 1 of the Round Table Report on Lao PDR. (1988)
Southern Area Development Master Plan, Lao PDR
For UNDP and ADB, report on the structural adjustment issues relevant to regional development in Lao PDR, as part of the Southern Area Master Plan. (1988)
Canadian ODA to Indo-China
Report for CIDA and External Affairs on the advisability of extending official assistance to Indo-China. (1988)
Country Economic Report, Peru
Report for CIDA on the economic situation in Peru. (1987)
Globalization and International Development Assistance
Report on the implications of globalization and the increasing integration of world economies for CIDA's programming and planning. Also report on Canada’s role in Southeast Asia. (1990)
National Unity and Constitutional Matters
For private sector associations, briefs on the national unity issue. For the Government of Canada and Parliamentarians, advice on constitutional matters during the 1980s and early 90s. For the Federal Provincial Relations, Privy Council Office during first referendum, Senior Policy Advisor on all aspects of the Quebec/Canada unity debate.
Foreign Investment Policy
For Investment Canada, Senior Policy Advisor responsible for reviewing the Agency's regulation and promotion of foreign investment. (1989-91) Responsible also for managing the Research and Policy Division of Investment Canada, and investment-related issues associated with multilateral trade negotiations and North American Free Trade.
Education and Training
For Industry Canada, to report on the implications for post-secondary education and university-based research of changes to federal/provincial fiscal arrangements. (1994-95) For the Chamber of Commerce, to identify business sector initiatives with respect to the education and training of Canada's labour force. (1990) For the Canadian Labour Market and Productivity Centre, to identify entry-level job training requirements. For the Auditor General's Office, review the contribution of Canada's training programs to the functioning of the labour force. (1992) For the Secretary of State, to propose alternative fiscal arrangements for the $4.2 billion Government of Canada transfer in support of post-secondary education (1984). For Members of Parliament, to develop a program of paid educational leave for working Canadians.
Trade Policy
For the Export Development Corporation (1996), to advise on new instruments for structured financing to assist Canadian exporters to undertake overseas projects. Also, to advize on country risk assessment and EDC corporate strategy. For the Export Development Corporation (1993-94), assistance in the preparation of legislation concerning the mandate and powers of the Corporation, so as to facilitate more effective and timely support for Canadian exporters. Also, preparation of the Cabinet documentation and communications material. For Labour Canada, to assess the labour force implications of free trade with the United States. For the Canada Trade Negotiations Office, to prepare the `Canadian Context' for the Canada/U.S. Trade discussions. For the Native Council of Canada, to report on the issues and concerns of Native People respecting free trade between Canada and the United States. For Investment Canada, preparation of a report titled The Opportunities and Challenges of North American Free Trade: A Canadian Perspective.
Industrial Policy and Competitiveness
For Industry Canada, an indepth analysis of regional disparities in Canada and the implications for industrial policy. (1996) For Industry Canada, advise on how to better reflect the consumer interest in industrial policies and programs. (1996) For Investment Canada, extensive involvement in the federal government's interdepartmental focus on competitiveness. (1991-92) For the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada, as a senior policy coordinator in drawing together the Commission's final report. (1984-85)
Aboriginal Concerns
For the Native Council of Canada, determination of the implications of the Canada/U.S. Free Trade Agreement for them. (1986-87) A second series of papers for the Native Council dealt with steps needed to help native people take advantage of the opportunities expected from free trade. Other work for aboriginal peoples derived from involvement with the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada and the Royal Commission on Seals and the Sealing Industry in Canada.
Employment Policy
For the Auditor General's Office (1992), identification of the key issues concerning the contribution of employment and training programs to the efficient functioning of the labour market. For Employment and Immigration Canada, review and synthesis of literature on employment services, both Canadian and international. For the Commission of Inquiry on Unemployment Insurance, to assist in formulating a policy framework for better integrating economic and social goals. For Labour Canada and the Native Council of Canada, analysis of employment adjustment policies and free trade.
Fiscal Policy
For private sector clients, to prepare pre-budget consultation submissions. The reports include assessments of the Canadian economy and in-depth analyses of tax and expenditure options.
Tax Policy
For private sector associations, to review the federal tax system and tax reform options. Dr. Husband and Dr. Grady collaborated in preparing a major report for the Consumers' Association of Canada on the Goods and Services Tax. (1992)
For the Canadian Real Estate Association, to prepare a report for public release responding to the Government of Canada's discussion paper on housing. A series of assignments have been undertaken on behalf of CREA.
For the Department of Communications, to assist in formulating an industrial development strategy for the telecommunications and informatics sectors in Ontario - emphasizing the role that the federal government could best fulfil. (1988)
Natural Resource Management
For the Royal Commission on Seals and the Sealing Industry in Canada, to assist in formulating the socio-economic dimensions of the final report and co-research director in the final months of the Commission. (1984-85)
Information and Conference Services
Dr. Husband has prepared numerous reports for publication, including for the Government of Canada, the Asian Development Bank and the UNDP. He has also helped organize numerous conferences, including for these same organizations. In 1991, Dr. Husband organized a number of round tables on foreign investment and five conferences on Investing in Canada's Future. For the Macdonald Royal Commission on the Economy, he helped organize a number of conferences on industrial and trade policy.
The Economic Council of Canada Ottawa, Ontario.
Senior Advisor to the Chairman, 1983/84 Responsibilities included advice to the Chairman on directions for the Council and participation in several substantive research projects.
National Liberal Caucus Research Bureau Ottawa, Ontario.
Director, 1980/83. Provided the National Liberal Caucus with advice and background information on key policy issues; worked closely with Cabinet Ministers, Liberal backbenchers, and Senators. Also served as Secretary to the Liberal Party's Platform Committee during the 1979-80 election.
Federal-Provincial Relations Office, Privy Council Office Ottawa, Ontario.
Senior Policy Advisor, 1977/79 As a member of the Coordination Group under the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet for Federal-Provincial Relations, Paul Tellier, Dr. Husband provided advice to the Prime Minister and Cabinet on all aspects of the Quebec/Canada unity debate. Dr. Husband was also responsible for the "Understanding Canada" series of reports on the economic implications of Quebec's separation from Canada.
Treasury Board, Province of Quebec, Quebec.
Senior Policy Advisor, 1976/77 Responsibilities included advice to the Deputy Secretary on preparation of main expenditure estimates and general advice on programming.
Department of Regional Economic Expansion Ottawa, Ontario.
Director, Economic Analysis Branch, 1970/76 Managed a team of 30 analysts, responsible for program evaluation, project design, and analysis of regional economic conditions.
Bank of Canada Ottawa, Ontario.
Research Officer and Doctoral Studies, 1964/70 Responsibilities included fiscal policy analysis and reconciliation of the national and public accounts concerning federal transactions.