Refereed Journals
"The Canadian Exemption from the Interest Equalization Tax: An Alternative Scenario," Canadian Journal of Economics, VII, no. 1 (February, 1974), 100-112. Ph.D Thesis from which this article was drawn.
With Donald R. Stephenson, "Some Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Reform and
Indexing," Canadian Journal of Economics, X, no. 3 (August, 1977), 379-392.
Cited in survey article by Ewald Nowotny, "Inflation and Taxes: Reviewing the Macroeconomic Issues," Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XVIII (September 1980), pp.1025-1049.
Cited by Stanley Fischer, "Wage indexation and macroeconomics stability," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 5(1), (January 1977) pages 107-147.
Also available as paper presented to Canadian Economic Association Conference in 1975.
With Munir Sheikh and Paul-Henri Lapointe, L'efficacité de la politique budgetaire en économie ouverte," L'actualité économique, 56, no. 4, (octobre-decembre, 1980), 499-534.
With Donald Drummond, "The Impact of Higher Energy Prices in Canada: A Comment," Canadian Public Policy, XII, no. 1 (Winter 1981), 42-49 (pp.15-22 of PDF).
With Munir Sheikh, "Was the 1979 Federal Budget Deficit Too Large?: A Comment," Canadian Public Policy, VII, no. 4 (Autumn 1981), 617-621.
With Munir Sheikh and Paul-Henri Lapointe, "The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in an Open Economy," Journal of Empirical Economics, Vol. 8, (1983), 139-168.
"The Recent Corporate Income Tax Reform Proposals in Canada and the United States," Canadian Tax Journal Vol 34, No. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1986), pp. 111-128.
With Andrew Muller, "On the Use and Misuse of Input-Output Based Impact Analysis in Evaluation," Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, Vol. 3, No.2, (October/November 1988), pp.49-61.
"Real Effective Corporate Tax Rates in Canada and the United States After Tax Reform," Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3 (May/June 1989), pp. 674-692.
"The Distributional Impact of the Federal Tax and Transfer Changes Introduced Since 1984," Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 38, No. 1 (March/April 1990), pp.286-97.
"The Distributional Impact of the Proposed GST Package," Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2 (May/June 1990), pp.632-643.
"The Distributional Impact of the Proposed GST Package: A Reply to Gillespie," Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 39. No. 4 (1991), pp.936-947.
"Quebec souverain et dollar canadien," Cité Libre Vol. XX, No. 5 (juin 1992), pp.7-11.
"Money in a Sovereign Quebec," Business Quarterly Vol. 57, No. 1 (Summer 1992), pp.54-59.
"The Burden of Federal Tax Increases under the Conservatives," Canadian Business Economics, No.1 (Fall 1992), pp.16-24.
"Making Free Trade Work by Fixing the Dollar," Canadian Business Review, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Summer 1993), pp.29-32.
"Ontario NDP Tax Increases," Canadian Business Economics, No.4 (Spring 1993), pp.12-23.
With Kathleen Macmillan,"Why is Interprovincial Trade Down and International Trade Up?" Canadian Business Economics, Vol.6, No. 4 (November 1998), pp26-35.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Canada in the Global Economy: An Overview," Canadian Business Economics, Vol.7, No. 3 (October 1999), pp.1-10. Also edited this special issue of Canadian Business Economics which contained papers from the CABE 1999 Policy Conference.
Other Technical
"The Two Poverty Reports: An Economist's View," Canadian Forum, LII, no. 616 (May, 1972), 12-15.
"McGovernism in Canada," Canadian Forum, LII, no. 621-2 (October/November, 1972), 10-11, 88-89.
With Nicholas A. Rost van Tonningen, John Sargent, and Robin Miller, "Indexed Bonds," in Task Force on Retirement Income Policy, The Retirement Income System in Canada: Problems and Alternative Policies for Reform, Vol. II, Appendix 12 (Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1979), 12-112-26, 12-A1-12-A7, 12-B1-12-B3.
"Fiscal Rx: An Extra Dose of Restraint," Data Resources Canadian Review (Fall 1981).
Edited, Peering Under the Inflationary Veil, Proceedings of an Economic Council of Canada Conference on Inflation-induced Distortions in Financial Reporting and Taxation, Toronto, October 15-16, 1981 (Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1982).
Director of Research for Lean Times: Policies and Constraints, Economic Council of Canada's Nineteenth Annual Review (Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1982).
"Computers Could Be Cheaper," Policy Options, Vol. 5, no. 11 (January/February, 1984).
"Indexation and the Taxation of Business and Investment Income," Economic Council of Canada,Discussion Paper No. 283, December, 1984.
With John Sargent, "Long-Term Prospects for the Canadian Economy: An Overview of the Seminar," in John Sargent (ed.), Long-Term Economic Prospects for Canada: A Symposium, Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada, Background Studies Vol. 23 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986), pp. 1-18.
"Tax Incentives for R&D in Canada," in J. R. Callahan and G. H. Haines, Jr. (eds.), Managing High Technology: Decisions for Success, (Ottawa: Research Centre for High Technology Management, Carleton University, 1986).
"Background paper on full employment," in Commission of Inquiry on Unemployment Insurance. Canada, Claude E. Forget, Report (Ottawa : The Commission, 1986).
"Background paper on inflation and unemployment," in Commission of Inquiry on Unemployment Insurance. Canada, Claude E. Forget, Report (Ottawa : The Commission, 1986).
"The Big Picture: Can Macro-economic Policy Reduce Unemployment? Discussant," in Duncan Cameron and Andrew Sharpe (eds.) Policies for Full Employment (Ottawa: Canadian Council for Social Development,1988) pp. 138-143.
"The Economic Consequences of Quebec Sovereignty," in K. McNaught (ed.), "English Canada" Speaks Out (Toronto: Doubleday, 1991).
"Fiscal Arrangements and Shared Cost Programs in Agriculture," Agriculture Canada, Policy Branch, Working Paper 2/91, December 1990.
"The Financial and Economic Dimension," in Alex Morrison (ed.), Divided We Fall: the National Security Implications of Canadian Constitutional Issues (Toronto: The Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, 1991).
"The National Debt and New Constitutional Arrangements," Economic Council of Canada, Working Paper No. 26, 1992.
"A Spoonfull of Sugar Made the Budget Go Down," in Thomas J. Courchene and Martin F.J. Prachownny (eds.) The February 1992 Federal Budget, Policy Forum Series - 26 (Kingston, Ontario: John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, April 1992), pp. 12-18.
"Prescriptions for Recovery," CABE News (Winter 1993), pp.4-5.
"Les Déficits budgétaire, l'endettement des gouvernments et le fardeau des impôts au Canada dans une perspective internationales," en Gilles Paquet and Jean-Pierre Voyer (eds.) La Crise des finances publiques et le désengagement de l'État (Montrél: ASDEQ, 1993),pp.45-54.
With Richard W. Phidd, "Budget Envelopes, Policy Making and Accountability," Discussion Paper 93-16, Government and Competitiveness, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University (1993).
With Richard Phidd, "Canadian Fiscal and Expenditure Management for the 1990s: An Institutional and Evolutionary View," in Bryne Purchase (ed.) Policy Making and Competitiveness (Kingston: Queen's University School of Policy Studies, 1994).
Chairman of Working Group on Seasonal Work and Unemployment Insurance, Report, Jobs with a Future (Ottawa: Human Resources Development Canada, 1995).
Prepared for the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and La Chambre de commerce du Quebec (with Katie Macmillan) Interprovincial Trade: Engine of Economic Growth, May 1995.
With Constantine Kapsalis, "Income Security Reform and the Concept of a Guaranteed Annual Income," in Redefining Social Security, Government and Competitiveness Project Research Series (Kingston: School of Policy Studies, 1995), pp.49-98.
Prepared for the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (with Katie Macmillan) The Agreement on Internal Trade and Interprovincial Trade Flows: Building a Strong United Canada, September 1996.
"Fiscal Policy," The Canadian Encyclopedia (1997).
"Fiscal Policy," The Canadian Encyclopedia (2015).
Prepared for the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (with Katie Macmillan) The Agreement on Internal Trade, Taking Stock After Three Years, April 1998.
With Gordon Munro, Paul MacNeil, Alex Fekete, and Gong Xue, Free Trade and Investment in the Fisheries Sector of the Asia-Pacific Region: An Economic Analysis of Tariffs (Singapore: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, 1999).
"Let's Cut Paul Martin Some Slack," Policy Options, Vol 20, No.4, (April 1999), pp.55-57.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Is North-South Killing East-West?" Policy Options, Vol 20, No.5, (June 1999), p.68.
"A Textbook Budget," Policy Options, Vol 21, No.4, (April 2000), pp.17-19.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Picking Up the Pieces: The WTO After Seattle," CABE News (October 2000), pp.6-8.
"David W. Slater: An Economist for All Seasons," in P. Grady and Andrew Sharpe (eds.) The State of Economics in Canada: Festscrift in Honour of David Slater (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001)
"The Case for a Deficit after Sept. 11," Policy Options, Vol 23, No.10 (November 2001), pp.53-57.
“Some Concluding Thoughts on the Main Federal Provincial Tax Issues Raised at the Conference,” in “Tax Competition and the Fiscal Union: Balancing Competition and Harmonization in Canada,” Proceeds of a Symposium June 9-10, 2000, Working Paper 2001 (1), The Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University, pp.129-35.
"The World Trade Organization" in John Allphin Moore, Jr., and Jerry Pubantz, eds., The Encyclopedia of the United Nations (New York: Facts on File, 2002).
"The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade" in John Allphin Moore, Jr., and Jerry Pubantz, eds., The Encyclopedia of the United Nations (New York: Facts on File, 2002).
With Constantine Kapsalis, "The Approach to Seasonal Employment in the Nordic Countries: A Comparison with Canada," Applied Research Branch, Human Resources Development Canada, SP-572-04-03E, September 2002.
French version available in
"Symposium: Terror From the North," by Jamie Glazov, FrontPage Magazine, July 21, 2006.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Inter-provincial Barriers to Internal Trade in Goods, Services and Flows of Capital: Policy, Knowledge Gaps and Research Issues," Industry Canada, Working Paper 2007-11, March 30. 2007.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Inter-provincial Barriers to Labour Mobility: Policy, Knowledge Gaps and Research Issues," Industry Canada, Working Paper 2007-10, March 30. 2007.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "A New Prescription: Can the BC-Alberta TILMA Resuscitate Internal Trade in Canada?" C.D. Howe Backgrounder 106, October 2007.
A More Open and Secure Border for Trade, Investment, and People, a paper prepared for the Canada-U.S. Relations Project's Post-U.S. Election Conference sponsored by the Norman Patterson School for International Affairs, Carleton University, November 2008.
“Is Canadian Immigration Too High?” Chapter 5 in Herbert Grubel (ed.) The Effects of Mass Immigration (Vancouver: Fraser Institute, 2009), pp.73-96.
"The impact of immigration on Canada’s labour market," Fraser Forum, December 2009, pp.32-36.
With Herbert Grubel, "Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State 2011,", Studies in Immigration & Refugee Policy, Fraser Institute, May 18, 2011.
With Herbert Grubel, "Fiscal Transfers to Immigrants in Canada: Responding to Critics and a Revised Estimate," Studies in Immigration & Refugee Policy, Fraser Institute, March 2012.
With Yu Fei and Robert Knipp, "Regulatory Stringency in Issuing Certified Emission Reductions and Price Effects in Secondary Markets," SSRN Working Paper Series,November 2012.
With Herbert Grubel, "Immigration and the Welfare State Revisited: Fiscal Transfers to Immigrants in Canada in 2014,", Fraser Institute, November 2015.
Unpublished Papers or Presentations
"Tax Credits for Employment Rather than Investment," September 21, 1977.
Federal Government Expenditure Management, A Public Lecture at the University of Guelph Given While a Visiting Fellow, October 15, 1981.
"An Earned Income Tax Credit for Canada," May 11, 2000.
Comments at wrap-up session of Symposium on “Tax Competition and the Fiscal Union: Balancing and Harmonization in Canada,” Sponsored by the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University, June 9-10, 2000.
Newspaper Articles
"Why the Bank of Canada is on the Wrong Track," Globe and Mail, October 5, 1981, p.B2.
"Cost of Policy to Fight Inflation Far Exceeds Benefits," Globe and Mail, November 16, 1981,p.B5.
"Why It Was Right to Put So Much Emphasis on Reducing Ottawa's Deficit," Globe and Mail, November 30, 1981, p.B7.
"Why Are Stock Buyers So Unreasonable," Globe and Mail, February 1, 1982, p.B4.
"De-indexation Major Threat to Tax System's Basic Equity," Globe and Mail, July 6, 1982, p.B3.
"An Analysis of Regressive Budget," Globe and Mail, May 3, 1983, p.7.
With David Husband, "Taxing Canada's Ability to Compete in the Market," Globe and Mail, December 19, 1988, p.A7.
"After Six Years of Expansion, Can Recession Be Far Behind?" Globe and Mail, April 10, 1989, p.A7.
With David Husband, "The Hand in Peoples' Pockets," Globe and Mail, June 20, 1989, p.A7.
"Knocking Down the Walls of the Financial Pillars," Globe and Mail, July 4, 1989, p.B5.
With David Husband, "UI Reform Bill Raises Labour Supply, Cuts Demand," Financial Post, November 2,1989.
"Is anyone better off with sales tax reform?" Globe and Mail, April 4, 1990, p.A7.
"The GST Is a Good Idea - But at 5%," Globe and Mail, June 16, 1990, p.B4.
"A Taxing Proposal for Radical Reform," Globe and Mail, July 30, 1990, p.B6.
"Lower Interest Rates Needed to Ease Pressures on Economy," The Financial Post, November 30, 1990, p.12.
"Putting a Price Tag on a Sovereign Quebec," Globe and Mail, December 4, 1990, p.A19.
"GST Guides Help Taxpayers Get Ready for Turbulent Times," Globe and Mail, January 19, 1991, p.B4.
"Old Industries are Sovereignty's Soft Spot," The Montreal Gazette, April 16, 1991, p.B3.
"Smaller cohesive society more likely to pull together," Ottawa Citizen, July 21, 1991, p.E6.
"The Cost of Quebec's Separation," The Gazette, September 23, 1991, p.B3.
"A Divided Country would be an Economic Tragedy," Ottawa Citizen, September 23, 1991, p.A9.
With Alan Freeman, "Still Canadian Citizens, eh?" Globe and Mail, February 28, 1995, p.A23. An excerpt from Dividing the House.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Which Provinces are dragging their feet most on internal trade," Ottawa Citizen, April 9, 1997, p.A16.
"Threat of Another Referendum Casts a Pall over the Quebec Economy," The Ottawa Citizen, May 28, 1998, p.A17.
"Paying Price of Sovereignty," The Gazette, June 13, 1998, p.B5.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Canada Risks Sleepwalking into Seattle," Globe and Mail, November 16, 1999, p.A17.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Stalemate in Seattle over farm subsidies," National Post, December 1, 1999, p.A18.
"A Crack in the NAFTA Piñata: How Loyal are the Three Amigos?" Globe and Mail, June 5, 2000, p.A11.
"Say no to Ontario Tax Separatists," Globe and Mail, June 20, 2000, p.A17.
"Martin and Dodge Open a Can of Worms with Their Comments," Financial Post, Friday January 25, 2002, p.FP13.
"Dodge's Moment of Truth," Financial Post, Wednesday, February 26, 2003, p.FP19.
"Don't Fear Deficits," Financial Post, Tuesday, May 27, 2003, p.FP13.
With Kathleen Macmillan, "Canada counts at the WTO," Financial Post, Tuesday, September 9, 2003, p.FP11.
With Larry Comeau, "Why we should shoot down the gun registry,", February 7, 2006.
"Get Serious on Trade: Ontario, Quebec may talk but they won't act on barriers," National Post, December 11, 2007, p.FP15.
"Not so 'stupid' now: Despite Liberal skepticism, the Conservatives' GST cut is now providing some shelter from cold economic winds," National Post, February 26, 2008, p.FP15.
“Mr. Obama, tear down that border,” National Post, February 20, 2009, p.FP13.
“High EI benefits discourage Work,” National Post, June 25, 2009.
"Economists defend work on immigration costs," Vancouver Province, June 1, 2011.
"A Mawkish View of Immigration Overlooks the Facts," Vancouver Sun,
June 6, 2011.
"Is Manitoba's immigration 'success' worth crowing over?" Winnipeg Free Press,
September 22, 2012.
"The new long-form survey,” National Post, February 10, 2015.
With Herbert Grubel, "Setting the record straight on the benefits, and heavy costs, of immigration to Canada," Financial Post, August 20, 2019.
With Herbert Grubel, "Immigration may make global net-zero harder,"Financial Post web edition, January 23, 2020.
"Why did I cast aside common sense?" The Ottawa Citizen, August 6, 1999, p.C7-9.
Book Reviews
With David Dodge, "A Review of The Illusion of Wage and Price Control, edited by Michael Walker," Canadian Public Policy, II, no. 4 (Autumn, 1976), 655-656.
"A Review of Canadian Economic Forecasting in a World Where All's Unsure by Mervin Daub," Canadian Journal of Economics XXII, No.1 (February 1989), pp.205-208.
"A Review of Behind Closed Doors by Linda McQuaig," Canadian Business Review (Summer 1988),pp.39-40.
"A Review of How Ottawa Spends 1988-89 The Conservatives into the Stretch, edited by Katherine Graham," Canadian Public Policy, XV, No. 2 (June 1989), pp. 230-31.
"A Review of How Ottawa Spends 1989-90 The Buck Stops Where, edited by Katherine Graham," Canadian Public Policy, Vol. XVI, No. 1 (March 1990), pp.106-107.
"A Review of A History of Macroeconomic Modelling by Ronald G. Bodkin, Lawrence R. Klein, and Kanta Marwah," Canadian Journal of Economics, XXV, No.1 (February 1992), pp.244-248.
"A Review of Fiscal Policy in Canada: An Appraisal by Thomas A. Wilson and D. Peter Dungan," Canadian Public Policy (1994).
"A Review of Sovereignty Association: Economic Realism or Utopia? by Adalbert Lallier," Canadian Public Policy (1996).
"A Review of Good Taxes: the Case for Taxing Foreign Currency Exchange and Other Financial Transactions by Alex C. Michalos," Canadian Public Policy Vol.XXIII, No.4 (December 1997), p.462.
"A Review of General Payroll Taxes: Economics, Politics and Design by Jonathon R. Kesselman," Canadian Public Policy Vol.XXIV, No.4 (December 1998), p.531.
"A Review of Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade edited by Donald Barry and Ronald C. Keith," Canadian Public Policy Vol.XXVI, No.4 (2000), p.498.
"Ex-insider settles some old scores: A Review of Globalization and its Discontents by Joseph E. Stiglitz," The Globe and Mail Book Review, June 22, 2002, p. D6.
"When Crow Ran the Loonie: A Review of Making Money: An Insider's Perspective on Finance Politics, and Canada's Central Bank by John Crow ," Policy Options, Vol 25, No.3 (April 2003), pp.67-68. Longer version.
"From Far and Wide, Oh Canada, Terrorist Killers Come to Thee: A Review of Cold Terror by Stewart Bell," The Globe and Mail Book Review, April 10, 2004, p.D7.
"How the jihadists hijack charity," The Globe and Mail Book Review, May 13, 2006, p.D8.
"Damn Yankees: A Review of Satanic Purses by R.T. Naylor," The Globe and Mail Book Review, December 9, 2006, p.D10.
Books and Monographs
The Canadian Exemption from the United States Interest Equalization Tax, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 1973. To access figures not included in this PDF to minimize file size.
The State of the Art in Canadian Macroeconomic Modelling, a report prepared for the Economic Forecasting Division, Department of Finance, March 1985.
The Economic Consequences of Quebec Sovereignty (Vancouver: Fraser Institute, 1991).
With Alan Freeman, Dividing the House: Preparing for a Canada without Quebec (Toronto: Harper Collins, 1995).
With Alan Freeman, Quebec-Canada: Les enjeux de la souvereineté (Montréal: Éditions Hurtubise HMH Ltée, 1995). (translation of Dividing the House).
With Robert Howse and Judith Maxwell, Redefining Social Security (Kingston, Ontario: School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 1995).
With Kathleen Macmillan, Seattle and Beyond: The WTO Millennium Round (Ottawa: Global Economics, 1999).
With Andrew Sharpe, The State of Economics in Canada: Festschrift in Honour of David Slater (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001).
Florida Dreams: The Amazing Rise of the Sunshine Mega-State (, 2019).
A Yankee-Canuck Looks Back: One Damn Thing After Another (, 2020).
Through the Picture Tube (San Francisco: Robert D. Reed Publishers, 2000).
Jade Head (Brandon, Ore.: Robert D. Reed Publishers, 2004).
Royal Canadian Jihad (Ottawa: Global Economics Ltd., 2005).